Here are my thoughts on chronic pelvic pain.
Often the diagnosis and treatment of chronic disorders of the pelvis is misled because of the difficulty in diagnosing the current conditions responsible for pain. In these cases, the patient refuses an effective treatment aimed at the rational underlying disease.
Sometimes undiagnosed proctitis causes pelvic pain. Proctitis term generally means inflammation of the lining of the rectum, called the rectal mucosa. Proctitis can be short term (acute) or long term (chronic) and may have many causes. May occur as a side effect of certain medical treatments, such as a course of antibiotics. Inflammation of the rectal mucosa may be related to ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, hemorrhoids, fungal infections, herpes, conditions that cause inflammation of the colon or small intestine. Other causes include rectal injury, bacterial infections, allergies, chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis.
Some of the symptoms, often in conjunction with chronic pelvic pain, in particular anal and / or rectal pain, itching, pain in left side of the abdomen, bloating, gas, indigestion, heaviness and discomfort after meals, constipation. It is easy to explain why the bladder, prostate, colon, rectum and actions sympathetic, sacral parasympathetic nervous system and the permeability of the mucosal epithelium.
In many cases I have been involved in the emergence of these symptoms are related to the occupation of the patient. My office is located in a suburb northwest of Chicago, a major transportation hub and have seen a significant number above the average truck drivers in the Chicago area, limo drivers and pursue my services. Based on these cases is available in my practice, I have come to a subjective, but the logical conclusion that one possible cause of this problem is neglected traumatic injury of rectum caused by long hours of seating along the same position as well constant vibration and shock frequent potholes. These injuries small but frequent and repeated disturbances can cause neurological and inflammation and / or irritation that lead to pelvic floor dysfunction and may be one of the causes of these conditions: chronic nonbacterial prostatitis, prostatodynia, painful bladder syndrome , interstitial cystitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome. All the above are similar, the overlap of the following urinary symptoms: frequency, urgency and pain.
All these conditions are considered unmanageable pelvic and incurable by conventional medicine. Unfortunately, drug therapy and surgical interventions are insufficient and costly. In the United States only 10 until 15 millions of men and women suffer from these debilitating disorders. Fortunately, there is hope for those who are diagnosed with chronic pelvic pain syndrome and the IC and chronic prostatitis. Acupuncture E ', which have existed for thousands of years of service with great results without side effects and has been demonstrated as an effective treatment for chronic inflammation.
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