Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pelvic Abscess

Here are my thoughts on the pelvic abscess.

The basin is very important for the reproduction of women, since most of the houses of the reproductive organs. Therefore, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) are known to be a common cause of infertility in women. In most cases of pelvic infection, which began as a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia infections of the cervix. These infections are usually without symptoms, or at worst, cause a discharge from the cervix. The bacteria responsible for these infections from May is the cervix, move up the uterus and the tube, causing a painful infection and accumulation of pus in the tubes.

The increase of the infection can be folded to the use of antibiotics in the early stages, however, the normal body defense, with or without antibiotics, act by the formation of an abscess wall more, and contain infectious bacteria. Abscess finally solved in two ways. Abscess in the cavity, or sterile liquid which allowed ultimately the abscess and then goes away, which is better, or is broken and the infection spread more because of the abscess, which is very harmful to fertility.

To get a better idea of how the pelvic diseases affect fertility, it should be noted that once bacterial pathogens such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, it access over the uterus and cervical tubes, if not arrested by the use of antibiotics or detention by the immune system, the internal surfaces of tubes was denuded of skin called the epithelium lining. Different white blood cells in their attempt to contain the infection, a closed cavity around the pathogenic bacteria. This space is filled with the multiplication of bacteria and fluid in this region of the tube is filled with pus.

Even if they are treated in this phase, the damage was done. The destruction of the mucous membrane of the tube can cause the glue joints of the walls of the tube, causing blockage of the tubes later, both eggs and sperm. For pregnancy to occur, the sperm and ova are filling tubes for fertilization to occur and the product of fertilization must be carried in the tube from the uterine cavity for the installation. Thus, even if the pipes are not blocked by the combination of their walls due to the rigidity of the infection in the past, the destruction of the lining of the tubes continue to affect fertility, because the movement of the ciliary wave tubes used to move the fertilized egg in the uterus for implantation is the time lost.

What could be worse is that if the abscess is opened or tubal loss of the end of the tube, the ovary to the tube that sticks in May to become the conductor and the other end of the wall of the abscess cavity, which is now bigger and more destructive. This is called a tubo-ovarian abscess and cause total destruction of fertility in the later occurring in the tube, ovary and all of their eggs are destroyed.

An estimated 5-10% of women with PID develop the most severe form, tube-ovarian abscess. Women with this disease tend to be older (in their thirties and forties), and perhaps pain and suffering nausea, vomiting and abdominal distension.

Although, with the exception of treatment of sexually transmitted ovarian tube abscess may also occur due to other factors including:

- After a pelvic surgery

- The uterine perforation during D & C, or any vaginal

- Drilling intestinal tract after appendicitis

- Intestinal perforation following diverticulitis

- Pelvic malignancy

Pelvic inflammatory disease that has degenerated into abscess cavity is usually initially treated with broad spectrum antibiotics. The abscess is usually seen as a mixed infection, since, however, the initial infection is usually a bacterial STD, several bacteria of the intestinal tract May be involved in the abscess because of inflammation in the transmigration of the swollen wall area surrounding the abscess. Usually at least two or three antibiotics are needed immediately made the diagnosis. If the infection does not improve, usually within 72 hours, then some form of surgical drainage of the abscess is necessary. If all these fail, in the final analysis, therefore, an exploratory surgery to remove the infected tissue is performed.

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