Monday, August 31, 2009

Pelvic Floor Toner

Here are my thoughts on the pelvic floor toner.

Until a few years ago, the only options for women with weakened pelvic floor to try to do "Kegel exercises" that were out of a series of compression and release exercises, or pelvic surgical repair is that, frankly, there are often gave different results. However, it was shown that the application of toner of the pelvic floor can be extremely dramatic and should be used regardless of the species. In fact, it was discovered that with any type of device leads to better results than conventional ones, even at the cone.

When Dr. Arnold Kegel developed his famous theorem of the pelvic muscle, it was never intended that they are in a sheath empty. Dr. Kegel invented a rather crude version of the toner of the pelvic floor and I found that it was necessary to enable women recommended the completion of the aid program. Since the message was a bit 'diluted and women are now encouraged to take an exercise program on an empty scabbard.

In a sense it is a bit 'as a weight lifter trying to strengthen the muscles of the arm by lifting it up and down, the muscles work better against the resistance-Fact!

Many women have become disillusioned with traditional Kegel exercises as they are often not quite sure whether to do it correctly. Furthermore, progress can be very slow, even at best, and this means that many receive.

The advantage of using a toner of the pelvic floor are many. First, many leave toner your progress with a type of diagram adjustable spring device. You know how the muscles and increase as you have to be improved in order to adjust the tension. Other devices, such as electronic pelvic floor toner that will work for you. The programs rely almost certain success as this type of mechanism to provide thousands of contractions in a short training session. Other devices, such as barbells Vaginal and add an element of fun to train and that is motivation in itself.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

How to relieve hip pain

Here are my thoughts on how to relieve hip pain.

Chronic hip pain is a common symptom and misleading, for there are many causes. It is important to accurately diagnose the causes for the proper treatment can be directed to this problem. Hip pain is any pain in or around the hip. The pain associated with hip-not always felt directly over the hip. Instead you can feel the pain in the groin or pain in the mid-thigh. Similarly, the pain of the hip actually reflect a problem in your back or pelvis.

If you have chronic hip pain, some common causes are:

Hip pain of degenerative arthritis
Overuse injuries, bursitis or hip pain from
Tendinitis-repetitive or strenuous activity
-Distortion or disruption of the muscles and the connection to the groin
Low-back pain or sciatica

Pelvic pain and groin pain are also common and have many causes. On women, pelvic pain originating from areas gynecologic (cervix, uterus, ovaries). In men, the groin pain originating from the testicles or scrotum. Sometimes the cause is unknown. The diseases can cause pelvic pain and pain in the groin can also:

-Intestinale.g., Gastro-enteritis, inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulitis, appendicitis, cancer, constipation, intestinal obstruction, perirectal abscesses, irritable bowel syndrome
"For example, bladder infections, interstitial cystitis, kidney stones
"For example, musculoskeletal pain, pelvic, abdominal muscle
Related nerve E.g.vulvodynia
Psycho Gene, for example, the effects of past physical abuse, psychological or sexual
Including activities related to the effects of prolonged and intensive activities such as cycling or running

Exclude or treat a serious cause of hip pain or chronic pelvic pain before continuing. Given the chronic pelvic pain in the hip and a memorandum of musculoskeletal in nature:

"The spine should be based on the basin in a way that you can also easily slip into the outlet, where the movement of the legs
The hip is a ball joint, which must attach to the pelvis in a very special leg to work properly
"The spine, hips, legs and function as a system or muscles in the pelvic area and groin highlights
He stressed the muscles of the pelvis and groin, can lead to chronic pain

If medication or surgery does not feel right to you, and you have enough rest, consider a form of relief from hip pain her entire musculoskeletal account. The Feldenkrais Method is used as a successful treatment of hundreds of people with hip, pelvic and groin pain, no pills, injections or surgery. Feldenkrais uses gentle movements and simple reorganize the posture, flexibility, strength and coordination. Based on neurological processes of learning to move, is a new approach for the relief of pain in hip, leveraging the power plasticity of the brains to help the body to function more efficiently. Of efficient use freedom creates an environment where the hip and chronic pelvic pain can heal. Consider what the Feldenkrais Method can do for you.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Symptoms And Prevention of Gonorrhea

My thoughts on the symptoms and prevention of gonorrhea.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease, which in men and women.
New cases of gonorrhea infection in more than 600,000 each year in the United States and, of course, many cases go unreported.

The disease is common, and it can be deadly.

What exactly is as you know, if one of you and how to manage and prevent it? Let's explore.

Gonorrhea Definition

With a bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which is growing and is in hot, humid areas of the genital organs, including the cervix, urethra, and the tubes of women

Bacterium grows anus, mouth, throat and eyes.

How Gonorrhöe achieve?

They are due to contact with the penis, vagina, mouth or anus.

Contrary to what some people believe that there is no ejaculation gonorrhea to be transmitted and infect a person.

Gonorrhea symptoms

Sometimes men with gonorrhea have no symptoms in many other signs or symptoms until five days after infection, the symptoms of May up to a month to appear.

Symptoms include an intense burning sensation during urination and a white or yellow or green discharge. Sometimes even men blown testicles.

Most women who are infected, but no visible symptoms.

If a woman does not show any symptoms, can not be specific and are often used for infection of the vagina or bladder.

The first symptoms in women are burning when urinating, increased vaginal bleeding is the loss and the vagina.

The symptoms of an infection of the anus in men and women out in May, itching, pain, bleeding or pain, whether in the bathroom.

Rectum and anus infection may also be no symptoms.

In women, gonorrhea is a common cause of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

PID and internal abscesses can be serious long-term pelvic pain. PID may tubal infertility or the risk of pregnancy entopic potentially deadly when a fertilized egg develops outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes.

For men, gonorrhea can epididymitis, a painful testicles can cause infertility.

Gonorrhea can be in the blood and joints and can be fatal if treatment.
Finally, most infected gonorrhea can get the HIV virus causes AIDS.

Gonorrhea screening

The doctor usually a sample of parts of the body may be affected. Gonorrhea in the cervix or urethra can be diagnosed with a urine sample.

Gonorrhea treatment

Many drugs can be used to treat gonorrhea.

But the strains of gonorrhea that many people with gonorrhea have chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease.

Antibiotics against infections are together.

Although the drugs to stop the infection does not reverse permanent damage to anything.

Gonorrhea and people that have been processed, you can return to the disease, if the sex with people infected with gonorrhea.

Prevention of gonorrhea

This is a sexually transmitted disease, it is useful to know something about your sex life and to ensure that the partners are not infected before sexual intercourse.

Condoms may increase the risk of transmission of gonorrhea.

Ask your doctor

This is only a brief introduction to gonorrhea and the person having the disease should consult a doctor to doctor.

Infertility of Women

Here are some facts about the infertility of women.

In the context of infertility, tubal blockage of adhesions in the pelvis and is growing. An increase in sexually transmitted infections, use of intrauterine devices and methods for increasing the voluntary interruption of pregnancy have a role. Infections, gonorrhea and chlamydia. Women, contraception may intra-and low-grade chronic infections of May, a severe infection or an abscess basin. Although the infection is severe the pool before abortions were legal, it is not uncommon after infection Benign IVG today. The destruction of the plant in May also be an infection of the pelvis and the healing of the oviduct. Adhesions in the pelvis can occur after surgery to remove ovarian cysts, myomas, and tubal pregnancy or other in the lower abdominal or pelvic surgery.

Irregularities in the shape of the uterus often cause infertility, although it is often associated with spontaneous abortions from the inability to conceive. The most common cause of irregularities in the shape of the uterine myomas (benign fibrous structure of the uterus). Other causes are abnormalities or development. Recently, some anomalies in the shape of the uterus was found the daughters of women who move the drug diethylstilbestrol (DES) during pregnancy.

As hypothyroidism (insufficient production of the hormone thyroxine, the follicles in the gland cells and released into the bloodstream, so the speed control of metabolism) and hyperthyroidism (excess of the hormone thyroxine) and other hormonal disorders cause May infertility complex and disturb the delicate regulation of the menstrual cycle. Disease of any kind (such as diabetes, liver disease) can be based on the normal and cause infertility.

An infection of the vagina can change the cervical mucus and the pH of the vagina, creating a hostile environment in which sperm may be capable of living for a short time. The presence of sperm antibodies in cervical mucus or Vaginalsekret can cause infertility. There is a dispute between doctors about how often a factor in May, since May, these antibodies in individuals with normal fertility. In some, however, these antibodies to remove or inactivate the sperm.

There are a large number of couples who have completed all tests of the standard, no obvious cause of infertility. Many of these couples begin the design. Unfortunately, some of sterility. However, with the advanced test of infertility, sterility, rather than remain unknown.

Calendar of the relationship is important. A woman with twenty-eight days of the cycle should have sex every day of the tenth to fourteenth day of the cycle. These are the days for their fertility. A man with a low sperm count should sex special edition calendar for instructions on how women with a cycle shorter or longer.

Position intercourse Mai also important. May semen on the cervix easier if the woman lying on her back, knees, his mother calls to encircle the hips of his partner. After her orgasm for women is ten to the position of five of ten minutes, or dealing with a pillow under your hips.

Pelvic Abscess

Here are my thoughts on the pelvic abscess.

The basin is very important for the reproduction of women, since most of the houses of the reproductive organs. Therefore, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) are known to be a common cause of infertility in women. In most cases of pelvic infection, which began as a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia infections of the cervix. These infections are usually without symptoms, or at worst, cause a discharge from the cervix. The bacteria responsible for these infections from May is the cervix, move up the uterus and the tube, causing a painful infection and accumulation of pus in the tubes.

The increase of the infection can be folded to the use of antibiotics in the early stages, however, the normal body defense, with or without antibiotics, act by the formation of an abscess wall more, and contain infectious bacteria. Abscess finally solved in two ways. Abscess in the cavity, or sterile liquid which allowed ultimately the abscess and then goes away, which is better, or is broken and the infection spread more because of the abscess, which is very harmful to fertility.

To get a better idea of how the pelvic diseases affect fertility, it should be noted that once bacterial pathogens such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, it access over the uterus and cervical tubes, if not arrested by the use of antibiotics or detention by the immune system, the internal surfaces of tubes was denuded of skin called the epithelium lining. Different white blood cells in their attempt to contain the infection, a closed cavity around the pathogenic bacteria. This space is filled with the multiplication of bacteria and fluid in this region of the tube is filled with pus.

Even if they are treated in this phase, the damage was done. The destruction of the mucous membrane of the tube can cause the glue joints of the walls of the tube, causing blockage of the tubes later, both eggs and sperm. For pregnancy to occur, the sperm and ova are filling tubes for fertilization to occur and the product of fertilization must be carried in the tube from the uterine cavity for the installation. Thus, even if the pipes are not blocked by the combination of their walls due to the rigidity of the infection in the past, the destruction of the lining of the tubes continue to affect fertility, because the movement of the ciliary wave tubes used to move the fertilized egg in the uterus for implantation is the time lost.

What could be worse is that if the abscess is opened or tubal loss of the end of the tube, the ovary to the tube that sticks in May to become the conductor and the other end of the wall of the abscess cavity, which is now bigger and more destructive. This is called a tubo-ovarian abscess and cause total destruction of fertility in the later occurring in the tube, ovary and all of their eggs are destroyed.

An estimated 5-10% of women with PID develop the most severe form, tube-ovarian abscess. Women with this disease tend to be older (in their thirties and forties), and perhaps pain and suffering nausea, vomiting and abdominal distension.

Although, with the exception of treatment of sexually transmitted ovarian tube abscess may also occur due to other factors including:

- After a pelvic surgery

- The uterine perforation during D & C, or any vaginal

- Drilling intestinal tract after appendicitis

- Intestinal perforation following diverticulitis

- Pelvic malignancy

Pelvic inflammatory disease that has degenerated into abscess cavity is usually initially treated with broad spectrum antibiotics. The abscess is usually seen as a mixed infection, since, however, the initial infection is usually a bacterial STD, several bacteria of the intestinal tract May be involved in the abscess because of inflammation in the transmigration of the swollen wall area surrounding the abscess. Usually at least two or three antibiotics are needed immediately made the diagnosis. If the infection does not improve, usually within 72 hours, then some form of surgical drainage of the abscess is necessary. If all these fail, in the final analysis, therefore, an exploratory surgery to remove the infected tissue is performed.
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